Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) issues a monthly schedule of events/workshops/courses/seminars, either conducted or arranged by CLT, at the start of every month. Members of Faculty or Staff can register for any of the events/workshops/courses/seminars listed for that month. We also have two annual events; Annual Faculty Meeting and New Faculty Orientation.
The monthly schedule of CLT activities, emailed ahead of time, carries a wide variety of activities to cater to the varied learning styles and needs of faculty.
CLT has been offering a Mini Research Series since the summer of 2012 as a summer module for the development of research skills of FCCU’s Faculty and Staff.
The daylong event is held every year before the start of fall semester. Theme for the meeting is decided by a committee consisting of Heads and Deans.
Orientation of new faculty and staff is organized by Human Resources (HR) Department before the start of the fall semester.